I am a Dixiebelle Paint Brand Ambassador and these are the ONLY paint and products that I use on my furniture flips. I can't recommend them enough and swear by every single product they have created! The finish I get with their chalk mineral paint and their "All-in-one" Silk paint is absolutely amazing!
Click here to shop their products or on each of their product descriptions below :: DIXIE BELLE PRODUCTS 


dixie belle paint 



WHITE LIGHTNING - Clean your furniture pieces. Removes dirt, grease, grime and slightly deglosses.

PRISTINE CLEAN - Clean you furniture pieces, within the Silk paint range. Removes dirt, grease, grime and slightly deglosses.

SCRUBBY SOAP - Clean your brushes, paint off clothing etc...



BOSS - Blocks odours, stains and stops bleed throughs from occurring. Comes in White, Grey or Clear.

SLICK STICK - allows you to paint shiny, slick, or slippery surfaces with ease! (surfaces like PVC, glass, formica, laminate, metal, plastic, high gloss etc...)


MUD -  can be used for repairs, embellishment, and special effects. Can also be tinted to create coloured mud!


CHALK MINERAL PAINT - chalky texture, matte finish. (No primer or topcoat built in). Great for blending paints and distressing.

"SILK" ALL-IN-ONE PAINT - silky texture (has the built in stain blocker and topcoat). Great for one over all colour.


GATOR HIDE - water repellent, super durable for high traffic pieces.

EXTRA COAT - water repellent, super durable for high traffic pieces, within the Silk range.

CLEAR COAT SATIN - satin finish, light sheen.

CLEAR COAT FLAT - dead flat ,matte finish.

CLEAR COAT GLOSS - glossy finish, higher sheen.


BEST DANG WAX - comes in all range of colours, clear can be used to seal and colours can be used to accent pieces.

EASY PEASY SPRAY WAX - leaves a very matte finish, no sheen, chalky texture. Great for sealing Chalk Mineral Paint or any pieces with texture.

HOWDY-DO HEMP OIL - best to buff this in with a tanning mitt, matte finish. Great for sealing Chalk Mineral Paint or reviving natural wood.

BIG MAMMAS BUTTA - enhance wood grain, revive, soften and protect leather and other surfaces. Can also be used as a sealant.


NO PAIN GEL STAIN (oil based)

VOODOO GEL STAIN (water based)


SEA SPRAY - texture additive. Great to add into Chalk Mineral Paint.

PATINA - transform your pieces into rusty, metal look-a-likes

DIXIE DIRT - give your project an authentic, grimy layer with texture

CRACKLE - cracks the paint for that awesome aged effect

GILDING WAX - used on ornate carvings to enhance texture. Oil Based

CHAMELON WAX  - iridescent colours in the gilding wax range. Oil Based

GLAZES - creates a decorative finish such as stippling, burnishing, aging, and colour washing.

GEMSTONE MOUSSE - waterbased, perfect to add metallic bling! 

CONTINOUS MISTER BOTTLE - helps your chalk mineral paint glide with ease

 *Please note that by using my affiliate links, the products are at no extra charge to you and you will be charged the normal amount as stated on the website! This just helps me work with the brands I love and continue to create amazing flippin' content for you all!